This site is a experiment to find the sense of the information without the technology of the informationtheory


Why we need art, music and punk? Art is Random
Random is Art
With more acausal information against our digital systems
In order to act autonomously in our information network, it is necessary to own encrypted identity. To generate these encryption it is necessary to make truly random numbers. These truly random numbers can only be generated beyond our physical system. We can find opportunities outside of our system:
* In the quantum field * theory.
* On the decay of atomic nuclei.
* In spirits and dream worlds.
* At the frontiers of our universe.
* In case of a * parity-violation
* The "meaningless" in art-context.
This radio telescope is an art sculpture RT03
(reassembled 2003)
More art supports the q-information
The Stream and Paintings

The transformation of the frequency from hydrogen in the 42th Oktave to a audiable, musical range (The Streaming is in .ogg, without a random function, but changing sometimes the programmstructure in a artistic way)

The Problem with Information and the age of globalization
Whats wrong with the Net
The q-theory: The moon isnt there if nobody looks to him
Chouse the future of humans - be part of senseless information make art, buy senseless things

New Media-Art-Context
  based on the Information Theory and _maybe_ on a new Information Vector

Quantum field experiment
Throw the Dice
Ein Radioteleskop als Quelle sinnfreier Information
The stream from the past

Randomize from nature, before the information becomes much more technology

Artifical depends on art

and technology is art


Now- listen to the Stream (no random function)

Randomize our World.
   Freedom to the Information and Technology.

senseless meind featuring HGich.T
sensless mind featuring Dittsche
The Position in Space now
The stream from outer Space(.ogg)
The transformation from hydrogen in the 42th Oktave to a audiable, musical range (The Streamingformat is .ogg)